Everyone Grieves Differently- Coping with Pregnancy and Infant Loss

Everyone Grieves Differently- Coping with Pregnancy and Infant Loss

There are all sorts of recommendations that pop up when doing a search for the timing of a pregnancy announcement. Between gender reveal ideas on Pinterest and the plethora of baby items in preparation of the big event, it can seem overwhelming. For those who have struggled to achieve a hard-won pregnancy, the timing can be even more daunting..

Creating Purpose with Setting Intentions

Creating Purpose with Setting Intentions

Floating by day by day without any direction? Living without purpose in what you do? When we don’t stop to smell the roses, we can miss moments to appreciate what’s going on around us. As cliché as it is, what the saying really is getting at is bringing more intention to your awareness. Focusing on setting intentions can help us create more purpose in changes we want to make, in our day-to-day interactions, or redirecting our attention to a helpful place.

Making sense of the world: A blog on Sensory Processing Disorder

Making sense of the world: A blog on Sensory Processing Disorder

Most of us encounter the world around us with ease and enthusiasm. We are able to take in and process unexpected conversations, tune out the sounds of busy life, and enjoy a wide variety of new smells and tastes. But what if the senses you rely on so heavily for these experiences fail or mislead you?